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6 December 2023 15:00-18:00Disruption Hall, Epicenter Stockholm


www = AI?  In the crucible of 2023, the technology landscape is not merely shifting; it's experiencing a transformation. 

Just as the internet wave reshaped industries and societies in the past, AI stands at the helm, poised to redefine the very essence of our existence. Question is, do you have the tools needed? 

At Epicenter, we're at the forefront of innovation. We believe that new technology is the key to solving the important issues of today, and tomorrow. 

That's why we've crafted the Epicenter AI Summit 2023. This summit isn't just about survival; it's your passport to thriving in an AI-driven world. 

And we're not going to talk about what and when - let's talk about HOW to survive and thrive.

Expect tangible takeaways. Limited seats - apply for yours today.

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Following the summit, we're thrilled to welcome you to a vibrant, frosty afterwork - for you to digest, discuss and connect. Tap here to sign up! 



AI is revolutionizing industries, saving lives, making the impossible possible. However, ensuring a better future while preserving integrity and privacy in a swiftly evolving landscape is a major concern. Key considerations involve fostering ethical AI development, enhancing data privacy protection, ensuring transparency, and striking the right balance between innovation and regulation. These challenges need to be addressed as AI advances, to enable the potential for innovation and positive change. Join us to learn how to pave the wave for innovations; how to rethink, implement, collaborate, develop.

It’s time to understand and enable AI’s impact.

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44% of AI systems exhibit bias against women*. As AI continues to advance, how do we ensure the inclusion of women and promote gender equality? Are we heading towards a world that is becoming increasingly homogeneous when AI merely mimics the existing biases of our society? We have no time to waste here, we have to take responsibility and act now. The question is how. 

It’s time to supercharge women in AI. 

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Prompts, copy, design, graphics... Are you becoming more efficient? Are you losing control over your work? Are you succeeding to keep your brand identity, while keeping up with the excelled pace? Question is, are you ready to embrace the opportunities and tackle the challenges that AI brings? Buckle up as we dissect the adaptation and implementation of these game-changing shifts, as we examine this critical issue from three distinct perspectives. 

It’s time to deep dive into the creative industry.

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Paulina Modlitba
Thought Leader, Board Member, Speaker

Paulina Modlitba stands as one of Sweden's foremost thought leaders in technology and innovation. As an angel investor, board member, speaker, and consultant, she tackles society's significant challenges with burning passion.

Named KTH's Alumnus of the Year in 2018 for her work in fostering inclusivity in the tech industry, she currently serves on the board of UN Women Sweden, championing similar causes. UN Women Sweden - member of Epicenter. This fall, we had the pleasure of hosting a breakfast seminar addressing AI and Gender Equality, and now we’re thrilled to dig even deeper.

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Elin Hauge
KEYNOTE: Embracing Responsible AI for Sustainable Societies

Elin has built bridges between business and data-driven technologies for more than 20 years, with AI as her main domain of expertise.Through her work with business leaders and tech entrepreneurs, she has developed an exceptional ability to connect the dots between business strategy and the application of AI.

Question is, what is the real value that lies within AI? And what’s beyond the fog of hype and hysteria?

AI comes with significant costs and challenges, both in terms of misalignment between humans and machines, ethical concerns, increased cyber security risks, and highly tangible environmental footprints. Embracing and aligning AI in responsible and accountable ways will require diverse thinking and collaboration across unconventional areas and disciplines.

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Jason Quek
Global CTO, Devoteam G Cloud

Jason has been programming since he was 14. Fast forward through a computer science degree, working in electronic trading algorithms in Singapore and New York, and telecom least cost routing software in Stockholm, he is now the CTO for Devoteam G Cloud.

Seeing the evolution of Google Cloud, he loves building interesting new applications on it - going from zero to minimum viable product in under a week. He specializes in hybrid and multi-cloud environments, holding the title of Google Certified Fellow in Hybrid and Multi Cloud. His focus extends to machine learning applications, aimed at automating tasks people prefer not to handle, allowing them the freedom to engage in more captivating pursuits.

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Alexander Percivall
Senior Partner Engineer, Google Cloud Nordics

Alexander is a seasoned technology expert with many years of experience in consulting and track record at both Microsoft and Google. He is passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies in the right way, particularly Machine Learning and AI, to drive innovation and solve complex business challenges.

Currently, Alexander is actively involved in over 10 GenAI projects, where he guides customers and partners in exploring the multifaceted aspects of Generative AI, from its implementation to its ethical considerations.His expertise extends to cloud-native solutions, where he has helped partners deploy scalable implementations of new technologies.Today, Alexander supports strategic technical partnerships at Google Cloud.

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Johan Lopes Helgesson
Principal Solutions Consultant, Adobe

Johan Lopes Helgesson helps transform businesses and enterprises by leveraging the power of creativity, design, business, and technology.

With a core as a software developer and creative technologist, Johan is passionate about the intersection between art (content), science (data) and business.

He is an entrepreneur with keen eye for design and user experience, and known for delivering digital services of the highest standards working within several media, design & advertising agencies in the UK and Sweden.

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Elinor Westerberg
Head of Strategic Business, Barncancerfonden

Meet Elinor Westerberg, a passionate advocate of the impact first approach. She leads the investment in groundbreaking business development and new financial models. The latest project, BrainChild, aims to create a global childhood cancer data platform powered by AI to tackle the childhood cancer challenge. With wide experience in business fundraising and consulting for life science and MedTech industries, Elinor brings many valuable perspectives to our cause.

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Jesper Fredriksson
Data Scientist & AI Engineer, Volvo Cars

Jesper Fredriksson is at the heart of transformation, as he is spearheading the future with Generative AI at Volvo Cars, bringing a decade of diverse experience from human brain research, medical imaging and data science.

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Robert Dalton
Head of Design, AFRY Experience Studios

Passionate about building teams that champion human centered design and helps clients to shift into new ways of centering business around design thinking: meet Rob! He defines the creative vision for Experience Studios in Europe with presence across Sweden, Denmark, Italy and the UK. Rob has over 20 years of experience which includes being a founding member of the Geely Design Studio in the UK and leading the new approach to physical and interaction design for Jaguar Land Rover.

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Christopher Cadman
Partner, European and UK Patent Attorney

Chris is a chemist by training and holds a PhD in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences with his thesis having been centred on stimulus responsive nanomaterials for cancer therapy. Following a short research career, he joined the IP profession as a trainee patent attorney at Potter Clarkson ten years ago and since 2018 he has been based at Potter Clarkson’s Stockholm office where he is now Partner. 

The advent of AI has seen an explosion of possible use cases in healthcare and there is a need to support fledgling companies in securing their IP to see these solutions enter their market. 

Chris forms part of the AI solution team at Potter Clarkson that brings together IP experts from both the Life Science and Digital Technology fields to help AI healthcare solution companies secure their routes to market.

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Peter Vesterberg
CEO & Founder, Saluto

Peter is the CEO and founder of SALUTO, a healthtech company that applies AI to advance precision health, i.e. individualized health insights at scale for improved preventive measures. Prior to SALUTO he founded the consultancy Stella Polaris, working hands-on as an AI scientist to develop high performing and explainable AI-models.

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Dan Mapes
KEYNOTE: AI at the Tipping Point

DAN MAPES: Founder & President, Verses 

Dan Mapes, CEO of Verses, a cybersecurity company, is a renowned Al and machine learning expert. With a Microsoft background, he held senior positions and contributed to Al technology development in search, natural language processing, and machine learning. As a founding member of Microsoft s Knowledge Graph team, he created a semantic search engine for improved accuracy. Dan Mapes also advises technology companies and organizations like the World Economic forum and the Global Entrepreneurship Network. His contributions to Al have earned him awards such as the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award and the Technology Review Innovator of the Year Award. 

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